Desert Doves Toddler Program
The Desert Doves class is an introduction to preschool for children who turn 2 years of age by September 1st. It is the first experience children have at our cooperative preschool to explore and play in an environment set up for the way children learn best. The children move freely between inside centers and outdoor exploration to allow them the time and independence they need in their play.
Playdough, process art & color exploration, manipulatives, dramatic play, and a variety of open-ended activities are offered daily during center time. Children learn self-help skills and independence throughout the day as well as social/emotional skills such as recognizing and labeling their feelings. The children, teachers, and parents come together for short group times each day during circle time (storytelling and reading), music time, snack, and lunch. The Desert Dove class has up to 13 children, with 2 teachers and and 2-3 cooping parents each day.
Meets Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-12:00
'Lunch Bunch' option available 12:00-1:00
'Stay & Play' extended day available 1:00-3:00
2 Professional Early Educators; Child/ Staff Ratio 1:7
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